Times: Shabbat starts tonight with candlelighting at 5:18pm, ends Saturday night at 6:18pm. The weekly Torah portion for Shabbat is Matot-Massei. Rosh Chodesh is today, Friday (5/8).

Upcoming Events:
Monday, 8 August at 1.00pm: Lunch and Learn with Daniel Luria on “Today’s battle for a United Jerusalem. Can we reverse the tragedy of the three weeks and Tisha Bav?” at L1 Capital Office, Level 51, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne. For more information click here for the flyer.

Sunday, 28 August at 7.30pm: Ora II: An evening of cantorial, operatic and Israeli music. Featuring renowned cantor ZEV MÜLLER from the West Side Institutional Synagogue Manhattan New York. Special Guests include Aaron Max, Rabbi David Rubinfeld, Didi Levin, David Brykman, and Shimon Walles. Toorak Shule– 2/10 Toorak Road, South Yarra. To book tickets click here. To see the flyer click here.

Wednesday, 31 August at 10:15am: East Melbourne Synagogue’s special morning tea with Professor Sharon Lewin. Sharon is a great Jewish Australian who is world acclaimed for her achievements in medical research particularly in the area of HIV and infectious disease. She will be sharing some of her life story and the latest medical findings in combatting the world’s most dangerous diseases. See the video featuring her as Melbournian of the Year here: https://vimeo.com/113673103. Location is at the ‘Fenix’, 680 Victoria St Richmond (near Victoria Gardens). This event is EMHC’s annual community fundraiser and is central to keeping the Synagogue’s vital work intact. Any support you can provide and invite you to attend this wonderful event.Online Bookingshttp://www.melbournecitysynagogue.com/product/emhc-morning-tea/ and Phone Bookings: Synagogue office on (03) 9662 1372.

Friday Mincha in the CBD: Mincha on Friday is back on this week at 1.00pm at 5/459 Collins (not at St James) with kugel & whisky and using the SMS reminder system to confirm numbers.

Mincha in the CBD: Melbourne CBD’s minyan factory is continuing, with an amazing three minyans per day, every day. Thank you for your attendance and participation.
Buffet Lunch from 12.30pm-2.00pm.
Mincha at 1.00pm, and 1.15pm for this week.
Melbourne Room of St. James complex near the corner of Little Collins Street and Church St. Click here for a map. For more information click here.
Email stjames.mincha@gmail.com to be added to the list for any daily updates.

Study: Wednesday shiur will take place after the 1.15pm mincha at St James.

Kosher Food in the CBD: Nifla Kosher Catering (KA Hechsher)
Offers Corporate Catering, specialising in individual and board room  lunches. 10% Discount on your first website purchase. Enter promo code “FIRST TIME”. For further details visit www.nifla.com.au
IN A RUSH CAFE-616 St Kilda Road-(Ground Floor-Lowe Lippmann Building)

Thought of the Week with thanks to Avi Gordon. When the Jewish army returned victorious from its war against Midyan, Moshe was angry with them because they did not finish the job as they were supposed to. As a result of letting himself get angry he forgot the halacha about how to kasher certain dishes. Similarly, in last week Torah reading, as a result of telling the Jews to bring him the hard questions and by-pass the Sanhedrin which sounded arrogant, he could not remember the halacha about inheritance posed by the daughters of Tzlofchod .

It is clear that, as opposed to secular knowledge, Torah (scholarship) and middos (personal attributes) are inextricably linked to one another. We cannot refine or develop one without the other.

May we all merit to be holy and learn the Divine.

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