JBD – Jews of the CBD and United Israel Appeal are pleased to invite you to a lunchtime lecture with

Nadav Kidron

“Israel: Oasis of Innovation”

How has Israel emerged as a leader in high tech and innovation? What are some of the latest developments coming from this small country? Nadav Kidron mixes stories, anecdotes, data and video to paint a picture of an improbable digital oasis in the Middle East.

Thursday 7th June 2012


Mincha will follow at 1:30pm

The Mincha following this event will replace the regular JBD Mincha for this day only

Venue TBC

Men and women welcome

RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by COB Wednesday 6th June

Nadav Kidron is the CEO of Oramed Pharmaceuticals. Oramed has developed a cutting-edge platform technology allowing the oral administration of injectable-only drugs. This technology is based on over 25 years of research at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

Oramed’s oral insulin has produced very promising results in clinical trials, and stands to enter FDA-approved Phase 2 trials in the US at the end of the calendar year; its oral GLP-1 analog is expected to move into Phase 2a trials in Q3 2012. Each of these products alone could pave the way to a new paradigm in the treatment of diabetes, and together present a treatment potential currently unavailable in the medical repertoire.

The company is endorsed and directed by prominent leaders in the field of research and development.

Listen to the lecture here:





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