JBD is pleased to invite you to lunch with
Rabbi Maciej Pawlak
Director & Rabbi of the Lauder-Morasha Jewish School in Warsaw
In this casual round-table lunch discussion, Rabbi Pawlak can discuss many topics, such as the Jewish community and Jewish education in Poland, how he discovered as a teenager that he was Jewish and his road to becoming an Orthodox Rabbi, and the phenomena of contemporary Poles discovering their Jewish heritage and how they deal with the revelation.
Tuesday 5th June 2012
12:30pm Mincha will follow at 1:30pm
The Mincha following this event will replace the regular JBD Mincha for this day only
Juilliard Group
Level 31, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne
Men and women welcome
RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by COB Monday 4th June
Rabbi Maciej Pawlak is the Director & Rabbi of the Lauder-Morasha Jewish School in Warsaw. He is the first post-Holocaust, Polish-born, Orthodox Rabbi with an inspiring life story.
Thank you to Juilliard Group for hosting and sponsoring lunch
Listen to the lecture here: