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Shabbat starts on Friday at 7:52pm and ends on Saturday at 8:55pm. The weekly Torah portion is Vayera.

Mincha continues at 1.45pm at Ainsworth Property – GF/459 Collins Mon-Wed. Join the WhatsApp group where we take a count to confirm each day.

Weekly sushi & shiur continues Wed at 1.20pm (mincha 1.45pm) at A-P GF/459 Collins – and via zoom. Current topic: strata titles. Details here and on the WhatsApp group.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Yudi New.

In this week’s Torah reading, G-d visits our forefather Avraham while he is convalescing after his circumcision, when three wayfarers appear in the distance. Avraham politely begs leave from G-d asking the Almighty to wait while he attends to his guests.

Based on this episode, our Rabbis teach that “attending to guests is greater than receiving the Divine Presence”.

But how did Abraham know it would be OK to leave G-d on hold to focus on an act of kindness? Surely, there was no precedent for this!

The commentator Netivot Shalom explains that because Avraham’s essence was kindness and love, he intuited that this is what G-d would have wanted.  After all, as the verse confirms, G-d created His world based on kindness.

In this week’s Torah reading, G-d visits our forefather Avraham while he is convalescing after his circumcision, when three wayfarers appear in the distance. Avraham politely begs leave from G-d asking the Almighty to wait while he attends to his guests.

Based on this episode, our Rabbis teach that “attending to guests is greater than receiving the Divine Presence”.

But how did Abraham know it would be OK to leave G-d on hold to focus on an act of kindness? Surely, there was no precedent for this!

The commentator Netivot Shalom explains that because Avraham’s essence was kindness and love, he intuited that this is what G-d would have wanted.  After all, as the verse confirms, G-d created His world based on kindness.

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