Mazal Tov to Yossi Reicher & Shoshi Lazarus on their engagement

JBD – Jews of the Melbourne CBD is now on LinkedIn. Follow us here.

Shabbat starts on Friday at 5.40pm and ends on Saturday at 6.38pm. The weekly Torah portion is Ki Tavo.

Mincha continues at Ainsworth Property – 7/459 Collins St (North Tower), at 1.00pm and we use the WhatsApp group to confirm numbers.

The weekly lunch & shiur continues on Wed at 1.10pm at A-P 7/459 Collins – and via zoom, followed by mincha. Current topic: Sale and hire terms. Details here and on the WhatsApp group.

Thought of the Week with thanks to David Prins.

The weekly Torah reading of Ki Tavo is a portion that speaks of the importance of gratitude and the act of giving thanks. In Australia, we are blessed with a unique environment that is home to many wonders of nature. From the Great Barrier Reef to the vast Outback, we are surrounded by beauty and diversity. It is our duty to recognise and appreciate these gifts, and to give thanks for them.

In this week’s portion, we learn about the mitzvah of bikkurim, which involves bringing the first fruits of our harvest to the Temple as an offering of gratitude. This act reminds us that everything we have comes from God, and that we should be grateful for all that we have been given.

As Australians, we are blessed with a rich and diverse culture, and it is our responsibility to honour and respect this heritage. We must give thanks for the land that sustains us, and for the people who make up our communities. By doing so, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

* with help from ChatGPT

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