Times: Shabbat starts on Friday at 5:59pm and ends on Saturday 6:57pm. The weekly Torah portion is Nitzavim.
Rosh Hashana starts on Sunday night at 6:01pm. On Monday night, light candles after 6:59pm from a pre-existing flame. Holiday ends on Tuesday at 7:00pm. Wednesday is Tzom Gedalia – fast begins 4:44am and ends at 6:53pm.

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha is at 1pm on Wed (fast day) at Warlows Legal – 2/430 Lt Collins, and on Thu at L1 Capital – 28/101 Collins. Join the WhatsApp group to stay across the latest details.

Study: Weekly Shiur continues on Wednesday at about 1.15pm (after mincha) at Warlows Legal – 2/430 Lt Collins – and via Zoom. Current topic: duty of care for a borrower.  Details here and on the WhatsApp group.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Gaby Silver.

For the past week, the world has been transfixed by the pomp, ceremony and sheer majesty of the events marking Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. From the poignant, silent vigils held around the royal standard-draped coffin to the magisterial scale of the funeral processions, even ardent Republicans have felt chills.

For me, the most moving visuals have been of the hundreds of ordinary service men and women fulfilling their final duty to their Queen with stoic devotion and dedication. Whether it’s the ostentatious garb of the Beefeaters and Palace Guards or the crisp, sharp uniforms of the pallbearers and sailors bearing the coffin, not a crease was out of place or button lacking sparkle. In every aspect of their dress, comportment and solemnity, each player in this spectacular theatre has appeared utterly regal.

The Gemara Tractate Shevuos 47b teaches: “the servant of a king is like a king”. By association with a monarch, even the humblest attendant embodies an element of majesty.How much more so, we who are created in the image of the Supreme King of Kings and charged with the ultimate mission of bringing G-dliness into this physical plane?

When we emerged from centuries of Egyptian servitude, the Torah described us as “Tzivot Hashem” – G-d’s legions. His devoted soldiers. Centuries later, Chassidic theory taught us that the thought, speech and action of every Jew are the “garments” of his or her soul.

Does it not then follow that our garments – our military uniform – should be flawless? Our buttons buffed to a blinding sheen, and our postures erect and noble?

As we prepare for Rosh Hashana, let us all examine, polish and iron out the creases in our thoughts, speech and deeds so that we are fit to crown Hashem King over all creation; and, in doing so, actualise the majesty that is latent in every Jew.

Wishing you a Good Shabbos and a Ketiva VaChatima Tova.


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