Condolences to Anton Block and family on the passing of his father.

Times: Shabbat starts tonight with candle lighting at 8:08pm, and ends Saturday night at 9:06pm. The weekly Torah portion is Mishpatim, and Parshat Shekalim. Rosh Chodesh Adar is on Thursday (15/2) and Friday (16/2).

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha will resume on Monday(12/2) at 2:08pm using the SMS system to confirm numbers. Please respond if you can make it.

Study: The Wednesday shiur & lunch takes place at the new time of 1.30pm at Billing Bureau, followed by mincha.

Kosher Food in the CBD: Glicks delivery in the CBD: We are thrilled to announce Glicks online. We now come to you! Whether it’s for one person or corporate catering for 100, we have a delicious range of filled bagels, fruit, danish, muffins, drinks and club sandwiches. The food is beautifully presented and we deliver twice a  day anywhere in Melbourne including the CBD. Gluten free choices are also available.We are offering a huge 20% off all orders till end February (excluding delivery). Go to and enter promo code glicks2018 to receive the discount.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz by Avi Gordon. The weekly Torah portion of Mishpatim, which covers a host of interpersonal laws, follows the greatest event in history, the giving of the Torah at Sinai. Mishpatim ends with more about the Ten Commandments event. Sandwiched between the two are many basic laws.

Why does G‑d have it written this way? Why in the middle of the most sublime spiritual experience, do we have the most rudimentary, seemingly unspiritual laws?

Of course, we are meant to develop a relationship with G‑d, but there is something more that He wants of us.

By putting these laws in middle of the most sublime event, G‑d is telling us that there is something special about basic laws that are sublime as well: that being good, kind and honest can be just be spiritual as meditation and prayer! When you think of these laws as rudimentary, they are not so spiritual. However, if you see them as G‑d’s will, they take on a whole new meaning.

Inspiration can be found in kindness, honesty, and in the acceptance of the simplest Torah laws. Suddenly spirituality can be found in the most unexpected places. The simplest act can be sublime and holy.

Think of all the small things you can do to make a difference.

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