Mazal tov to Rafi & Aliza-Shira Lamm on the birth of a son.

Times: Shabbat starts tonight with candle lighting at 7:31pm, ends Saturday night at 8:32pm. The weekly Torah portion is Lech Lecha.

Upcoming Event: TODAY: Lunchtime Lecture with Professor Efraim Inbar on “Israel’s Old-New Security Challenges in a Fluid Strategic Landscape” What Israel should do to meet the new security challenges. Lunch & Lecture at 12:45pm with mincha following at 1.45pm.  Location at KCL Law, Level 4, 555 Lonsdale Street.

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha continues at 1:45pm at 459 Collins using the SMS system as a reminder.

Study: Wednesday shiur & lunch is on Wednesday at 1.20pm at Billing Bureau, followed by mincha.

Kosher Food in the CBD: Unfortunately, due to lack of demand there is no longer kosher food being sold in the CBD. Glicks, we want you back!!

Thought of the Week with thanks to Yudi New. G-d directs Avram (as he was then known) to “lech lecha” – go forth from his comfort zone. The Lubavitcher Rebbe teaches that this command represents Avraham’s parallel yet simultaneous journeys.

From one perspective, Avraham was coming from a great spiritual height to spread monotheism to the masses – mirroring the journey of the pure unblemished soul as it enters this world to identify and spread G-dliness.

From the other direction, Avraham was on his own personal spiritual journey from his father’s house of idolatry to an intense, almost personal, relationship with G-d Almighty.

As Jews in the CBD, we regularly experience the tension between our religious and mundane lives. It is easy enough to become discouraged, confused or simply choose one side over the other.

However, as the Rebbe teaches, through the journeys of Avraham, our parallel lives create an incredible opportunity for synthesis – to foster and grow our own spirituality while at the same time and, without compromise, working to bring G-dliness and meaning to those around us. Could there be any greater privilege?!

Wishing everyone safe travels and a Shabbat Shalom.

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