Condolences: To Jonathan Kramersh and family on the passing of his father.
Times: Shabbat starts tonight with candle lighting at 8:13 pm, and ends Saturday night at 9:22 pm. The weekly Torah portion is Parashat Miketz. Rosh Chodesh Tevet occurs on Shabbat and Sunday. Chanukah ends on Monday.
Latkes and Doughnuts in the CBD: Our Chanukah event on Monday was well attended with the Hon Justice Moshinsky as our special guest. He spoke about two legal cases involving Chanukah. One from the Talmud which is a tort that is impacted by the obligation to place the menorah outside, and one case brought by the ACLU in Pittsburgh that was ultimately ruled by the US Supreme Court.
Mincha in the CBD: Whisky and latke/doughnut Friday is on today at 1.30pm (mincha 1.50pm) using the SMS reminder. Mincha (Mon-Fri) next week continues at 1.50pm with the SMS reminder. The doughnuts every day have worked their minyan magic!
Study: The Wednesday shiur & lunch continues this week at Billing Bureau, beginning at 1.20pm with mincha to follow at 1:50pm.
Thought of the Week with thanks to Yudi New. This week’s Torah reading is Parashat Miketz. Pharaoh’s soothsayers could not settle his unease about his dreams. Along comes Yosef and says: “It’s not me – G-d will answer for Pharaoh’s welfare.” Only once the outlook has been switched from man’s subjective thoughts, and into the realm of objective G-dliness, could Pharaoh open up to a true interpretation and have his mind put at ease.
Chanukah candles give light but beyond that they provide perspective: an opportunity to stop and reflect that everything comes from G-d. Everything has meaning and purpose. Through that lens we can truly appreciate how “the few could defeat the many”, and the smallest bit of light can dispel so much darkness..