Times: Shabbat starts tonight with candle lighting at 8:51pm, and ends Saturday night at 8:48pm. The weekly Torah portion is Tetzaveh and Parshat Zachor.

Megillah Readings and Purim Parties in the CBD: Thurs, 1st March
L1 Capital
Megillah Reading at 1:00pm Sharp
Lunch and Shiur with Rabbi Mirvis at 1.25pm
Mincha at 2:05pm
Level 28, 101 Collins Street

St James
Megillah Reading at 12:15pm Sharp
Followed by party
Entrance on Church St next to the car park entrance. Just up the corner of Lt Collins.
Proceed down the stairs to the basement level.

RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by Monday 26, February. (Please specify which party/reading you will be attending.)

Mincha in the CBD: Mincha has successfully resumed and will continue next week at 2:05pm using the SMS system to confirm numbers.

Study: The Wednesday shiur & lunch takes place at the new time of 1.30pm at Billing Bureau, followed by mincha.

Kosher Food in the CBDGlicks delivery in the CBD: We are thrilled to announce Glicks online. We now come to you! Whether it’s for one person or corporate catering for 100, we have a delicious range of filled bagels, fruit, danish, muffins, drinks and club sandwiches. The food is beautifully presented and we deliver twice a  day anywhere in Melbourne including the CBD. Gluten free choices are also available.We are offering a huge 20% off all orders till end February (excluding delivery). Go to www.glicks.com.au and enter promo code glicks2018 to receive the discount.  

SUSHI: Kosher sushi delivery coming to the city soon … watch this space for more details.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Yehuda Gottlieb. The Torah describes two types of weaving used in the work of the Temple. The first, “ma’aseh choshev” is described by Rashi as a style of weaving that was so intricate that each side of the garment was totally different to the other. The other type of weaving was “ma’aseh rokem” which can be described as artisanal weaving but with less detail. In the building of the mishkan, the curtains of the Holy of Holies and Kodesh were weaved more intricately (i.e. ma’aseh choshev) while the outer openings of the courtyard were weaved through “ma’aseh rokem”. This is in order to demonstrate that the more intricate and beautiful weaving was done as close as possible to the source of holiness (the ark).

This idea is demonstrated this week’s Torah reading as well. The passuk describes that the choshen (breastplate) and the ephod (apron) should be through “ma’aseh choshev” while the belt should be made as “maaseh rokem”. It is understandable that the choshen and ephod which demonstrates the glory of the Kohen Gadol and the closeness of his bond to G-d should be weaved in the more intricate manner. However, why should the belt be weaved in a more simple fashion?

R’ Zalman Sorotskin explains that this belt is weaved simply in order to serve as a reminder to the Kohen Gadol to remain humble and remember the source of his power does not come from his body but rather from G-d. The belt will remind him that the beautiful weaving of his ephod and choshen is being done not for him, but rather for the true source of his holiness, which are the the Urim V’Tumim which provided the nation a direct connection to G-d.

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