Times: Sukkot starts on Wednesday evening (4/10) with candle lighting at 7:09pm, and candlelighting on Thursday evening is after 8:07pm. Shabbat Chol Hamoed starts on Friday evening with candle lighting at 7:11pm. Shabbat ends on Saturday night at 8:09pm. Chol Hamoed continues from Sunday (8/10) to Wednesday (11/10), which is Hoshaana Rabba. Shemini Atzeret starts on Wednesday night with candle lighting at 7:15pm, and Simchat Torah begins on Thursday evening with candle lighting after 8:14pm. Shabbat Bereishit begins on Friday evening with candle lighting at 7:17pm. The torah portion for Shabbat is Bereishit. Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:16pm.
Sukkot in the CBD: Here is a list of Sukkah’s available to the public over Chol Hamoed.
1. 459 Collins Street, Melbourne (corner Williams Street):
Monday-Wednesday 12pm-2pm
Mincha approx 1:45pm on the roof.
Accessible other times please contact Shua on 0414 777 877
2. East Melbourne Shule, 488 Albert Street, East Melbourne:
Open Monday & Tuesday 12:00pm-3:00pm.
BBQ with shiur led by the Rabbi.
Sukkah accessible other times please contact Rabbi Gutnick 0430 384 948.
3. Herzog Group, 196 Normanby Road, Southbank:
Sukkah at rear (access from Munro St.) Parking available at DFO South Warf
BBQ lunch Monday-Wednesdat 12:00pm-2:00pm.
Sukkah is open during business hours.
Mincha in the CBD: Mincha continues next week Monday-Wednesday at about 1:45pm on the roof of 459 Collins using the SMS system as a reminder. The second mincha minyan is now in recess until sometime next year.
Study: Wednesday shiur & lunch will take a holiday break and resume on Wednesday (18/10).
Kosher Food in the CBD: Unfortunately, due to lack of demand there is no longer kosher food being sold in the CBD. Glicks, we want you back!!
Thought of the Week with thanks to Rafi Goodman. We’re all half way through the Jewish New Year rollercoaster, from the solemn and serious days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, yes – fasting and sitting in Shul all day can be hard! Now onto the fun stuff – Sukkot!
Sukkot has many names:
“Chag Hasukkot” – G-d has sheltered us from the enemies and the elements while travelling on way to Israel.
“Chag Ha’asif” – time of ingathering all the produce from the field, with a focus on G-d’s material blessings.
“Zman Simchateinu” – time of our rejoicing.
Tying these themes together: Sukkot is a time of rejoicing as we all prayed hard over the last 10 days in Shul and we can now look forward to a great year reaping the rewards: G-d’s protection, granting us success in our endeavours, good health, and peace in our lives and the Holy Land.