JBD, Wingate, and ZDVO, are pleased to invite you to a lunchtime lecture
Moran Samuel
“Out of the Depths –Rebuilding a life
and professional sporting career from a wheelchair”
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Lunchtime Lecture 12:30pm
Location: Wingate
Level 48, 101 Collins Street
RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by Thursday, 22 February.
Moran Samuel’s life changed dramatically at age 24 when she suffered a spinal aneurysm. Though she is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair, this was not an obstacle to her completing a physiotherapy degree. The Israel Sports Association for the Disabled recognized Moran as an athlete with tremendous potential and suggested she take up rowing. Moran has since won numerous titles including gold at the 2015 World Rowing Championships in France and gold at the 2015 World Rowing Cup in Varese, Italy and in 2016, she won bronze at the Paralympic Games in Rio.Moran is an active and passionate member of the Beit Halochem family, mentoring other members, inspiring, and encouraging newly injured soldiers and victims of terror. Moran has been brought to Australia by the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organisation – ZDVO.
Thank you to Wingate for hosting and sponsoring this event.