JBD are pleased to invite you to
Lunch with
Rabbi Michael Baris
“The mirror reflected: land registration and Jewish law”
Wednesday, 13th May 2015
Lecture will follow Mincha at 1:15pm
Billing Bureau
Level 5 South Tower, 459 Collins St
RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by 5pm Monday 11th May
Rabbi Michael Baris, a member of the Israeli Bar, holds a PhD in Philosphy from Bar-Ilan and a law degree from Hebrew University. Rabbi Baris teaches Jewish Law, Philosophy of Law and Labour Law at the Sha’arei Mishpat Academic Center in Hod Hasharon. A former Rosh Kollel in Ofra, and Rabbi (Ram) at the Yeshivat Hesder in Karnei Shomron, he is currently the Rabbi of the Synagogue founded in Tel Aviv by the late Chief Rabbi of Israel and the IDF, Rabbi Shlomo Goren.
Listen to the lecture here: