Our condolences to the Herz family on the passing of Mr. Tibor Herz, father of Jeff and Gary.  HaMakom Yenachem Etchem Betoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion Vi Yerushalayim.

Times: Candlelighting is Friday 7:52pm; Shabbat ends Saturday 8:55pm. Early Shabbat times – Mincha: 6:30pm; Candlelighting 6:45pm. The weekly Torah Portion is Vayishlach.

Mincha in the CBD: JBD mincha continues until the end of November at 1.45pm.

Study: Mon 12.30 @ East Melb Shule; Wed 12.30 Special @ Billing Bureau.

Kosher Food in the CBD: GOLD’S GOURMET are supplying delicious sandwiches to the following THREE outlets in the CBD:
-Pronto on Flinders @ Ground Level, 335 Flinders Lane
-CBW Express- CGU Building @ 181 William St.
CBW Express has arguably the largest range of fresh and packaged kosher products in the CBD!
-Cityblend Café @ 365 Little Collins St.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Yudi New. Yaakov says “im lavan garti” – “I lived with Lavan” to describe his time with Lavan. In the often-quoted Rashi, he brings a word play – switching the letters of garti to taryag – meaning that, despite living in Lavan’s house, with all its corruption and idol worship, Yaakov observed all 613 (taryag) commandments.

Traditionally, this is used to encourage resistance against the physical world and its temptations. However, the Chassidic Masters present an alternate view.  The Degel Machen Ephraim explains that Yaakov is directing us to draw on all our experiences and relationships to enhance our observance and connection with G-d – even from the arch-trickster, Lavan.  But what can we possibly learn from Lavan? According to Rabbi Meir Shapira, Lavan’s enthusiasm and commitment, albeit to evil pursuits, inspired Yaakov to achieve more spiritually by mirroring that same energy and self-sacrifice in his own service to G-d. Wishing everyone a good Shabbos and success on their spiritual journeys.

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