Our condolences to the Herz family on the passing of Mrs. Gizella (Gitta) Herz.  Wife of Tibor and Mother of Jeff and Gary.  HaMakom Yenachem Etchem Betoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion Vi Yerushalayim.

Times: Candlelighting is Friday 5:33pm; Shabbat ends Saturday 6:31pm. The weekly Torah Portion is Ki Tavo.

Upcoming Events: Thursday 29th of August: A special pre-election lunch discussion with Greens Senator Richard Di Natale & Rabbi Yaakov Glasman “Is it easy to be Green & Jewish?” 12:30pm at GMK Partners Level 27, 150 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.  RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by COB Tuesday 27th August.  For more information click here.

Mincha in the CBD: JBD mincha minyan continues at 1:00pm. There are also minyanim every day at 1.15pm at East Melbourne shul and Chabad of the CBD.

Study: Mon 12.30 @ East Melb Shule; Wed 12.30 Special @ Billing Bureau.

Kosher Food in the CBD: GOLD’S GOURMET are supplying delicious sandwiches to the following THREE outlets in the CBD:
Pronto on Flinders @ Ground Level, 335 Flinders Lane
CBW Express- CGU Building @ 181 William St.
Cityblend Café @ 365 Little Collins St.

Thought of the Week with thanks to Leon Anaf. When the Jewish people crossed the Jordan and entered into the Land of Israel, they were commanded to set up “great stones” and inscribe the words of the Torah. Some Torah commentators explain that these great stones were meant to serve as gigantic mezuzot at the entrance of the Land of Isreal. Just as a mezuzah is affixed to the doorposts of a Jewish home, so, figuratively, these great stones were mezuzot affixed to the doorposts of Israel. Just as a mezuzah reminds a Jew, as he enters and exits his home, of his commitment to G-d and G-d’s reciprocal promise to guard and protect him, so these mezuzot represented the commitment of the people to observe G-d’s commandments in the Land of Israel and in turn to watch over the people in the Holy land. May He continually watch over all of klal Israel and bring us to our final redemption speedily in our days.

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