JBD and Kollel Menachem are pleased to present an innovative new program

For one full day, the Kollel will transplant itself into the CBD, and give workers a unique opportunity to engage with them at various times during the day, and get a taste of Torah study at a variety of levels and disciplines.

Wednesday 31st October 2012

The day will be broken up into 30 minute “micro-shiur” slots allowing you to book one-on-one time with a kollel member for study on a variety of topics.

To make a booking, visit http://www.kollelmenachem.com.au/cbd

In addition, the following scheduled events will take place:

8:00am shacharit followed by breakfast

9:00am Daf Yomi shiur (35 mins)

12:30pm lunch with a keynote address: “Jewish Competition Law” followed by 1.45pm mincha

5:00pm ‘happy hour’ – come in for an after-work drink and farbrengen

Ether Conference Centre

Lower ground level – Mercure Grand Hotel

195 Swanston St

Hosted and sponsored by the Erdi Group

For further information, contact

Rabbi.Johnson@yeshivahcentre.org or admin@jbd.org.au

Kollel Menachem Lubavitch is an institute for advanced Judaic studies and community outreach. It is staffed by a team of young Rabbinic scholars and their Rosh Kollel who spend a portion of each day in advanced studies among themselves while devoting a significant amount of time teaching and giving public and individual Torah lessons.

Kollel flyer



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