JBD, the Religious Zionist Organisation of Australia and Bnei Akiva are pleased to welcome Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein to a lunchtime lecture on
“Floods, Fires & Tsunamis – A Jewish Response”
In recent times, the entire world has been beset by extreme and catastrophic weather events – is there a Jewish response to these?
This event also marks the official 2011 launch of Mincha in the CBD, which will follow the lecture promptly at 1.15pm
Lunch and refreshments will be served
Men and women welcome
RSVP for catering purposes to events@jbd.org.au by Friday 1st April
Juilliard Group
Level 31, 459 Collins Street
Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein, grandson of Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt”l, is one of the Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion. He made Aliyah from New York as a child and studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion for many years, before joining its staff in 1991.
He served in the IDF in the armoured corps as a member of a tank crew and received a degree in English literature from Hebrew University.
Rav Lichtenstein is in Australia for the Religious Zionist Organisations of Australia conference.
Podcast for this event is now up on the podcast page